Thursday, July 3, 2008

US border security guard stopped Deaf because of driver's licence


Deb Ann and Hannah said...


I enjoyed your story. I'm libra, too.

Thanks for sharing,
Deb Ann :)

Anonymous said...

Hi...I've never had any experience like you had but I've had maybe two hearing persons ask me if Deaf could hold a driver's license. I didn't mind that question. I've had others ask me if Deaf could marry each other too.

So not everyone are familiar that Deaf people could do just about anything hearings could.

I just looked at my driver's license now (I'm from USA) and there's nothing that shows restriction about my deafness...I just realize it showed "A" as for glasses and contact that I'm supposed to have while driving....actually I had Lasik surgery few years ago so I need to remember to change it when I get it renewed next time.

So thanks for making me notice my driver's license error.

Squ65 said...

Unbelievable! Nice meeting you here. Finally get to know you through DeafChip. I think you looks familiar anyway because I saw you around on Gallaudet campus.

By the way - Yes It is unbelievable. Today is 2008!

Deaf Pixie said...

I've seen alot of other issues. but we have no problem with Canada border.
I agree with you about annoyed why the security think Deaf should not drive.

Same thing with me .. My former doctor asked me "Are you sure you can drive. I said Yes, I do drive and cannot hear.. I said "Check Three review mirror all the time. I have no problem." Of Course,
It is really annoyed me!

"Drive License just to be mean that it is your real names and where you came from." It also meaning for Auto insurance or Police to know who are you?"

Next time you tell security . American Disabities Act say Deaf can drive! So I can drive perfect! Dont need to put down Deaf on drive licence! Reduce discrimination?

Unknown said...

Hi pretty lady, yes happened to me at South Lake Tahoe, California USA. I saw police car behind me while my speed was 37 on speed limit 35 and no flashlight for 5 min then turned flash on me last June 23. I pulled off road and found out me deaf, he stubborn spoke "Read my lips" I said no, I dont understand you, officer and tried to gesture my sign language, please write but he dont believe me deaf driving. He asked my driving license then cited me for no insurance and speed on 60 mph thats real dirty cop then forced me to signed for coming to appear court next month of July 24. I am pissed him off for mistreated me that I live about 4 hours away driving home and hate to come back mountain long way.
I filed complain against officer for discrimination and requested American Sign Language interpreter or Telephonic Appearance thru videophone to chat in court to save my round trip.
Fingercross my best luck to release my case. I am surprise there have some asshole officer.

Deaf Pixie said...

Again, I forgot to say about print out NAD or Canadian from Disabities office they can help you out?

I suggested you to print out "Discrmination Disbilities website and print out as similiar as NAD, print out. I am really stuck with my explaination all of different issues.

One problem I am not familiar between USA and Candaian law are same?

Many people did not know can deaf parents have a kids. or cannot drive car at all.

All other things are false!

Education is one of most tough the question about deaf culture and other things.

Kathryn said...

Hi Deb!

Good to see another Libra in here! Welcome - will be glad to share more incoming stories!

Lane - hello!

Thanks for your comment - I appreciate your input regarding 'glasses use' (A) on driver's licence - I haven't thought of it. I definitely will be sure to check if I ever have my eyes corrected i.e. Lasik.

By the way, I saw your blog the other day about Deaf Pilot - interesting! Keep vloggin' similar to this. Thanks!

Hi Squ65 *\o/*

Yes, I must say that I did think whether I had seen you somewhere as well! Obviously, it is very possible that we came across each other path at Gally. IF we did, nice to see you again, smile.

By the way, I watched one of your vlogs and noticed that you have cats - now I have a chance to ask you - how did your cats stay on good behaviour around your plants?!? My cats are so stubborn - always tease me with the plants :-( What's your secret to tame your cats?

Deaf Pixie -

Hello! You do have a great idea right there! Print out, both in Canada and USA, and show it.

Your former doctor asked you that? Wow. Even doctors, I see.

Keep giving your great ideas - look forward to them!


I am sorry about your unfortunate situation. I try to imagine how frustration it must be for you especially when it is a 4-hour drive in between. I won't tell you to stay calm because it is not that simple - yet we have no choice but must try and stay calm if we show them how responsible we are by educate that officer (the one that gave you the ticket) and others.

Maybe you can bring in a person who can support you? It won't hurt to have someone who can advocate person's rights. What do you think about this?

Try to reinstate your rights and not to give in. Please do let us know how things turn out.

To others via e-mail - thanks for your interest and suggestions/ideas.

Cheers -
Kathryn :-)

Frances11 said...

I was very interested in your story.

This is what happened to me.

In February 2008, I received a speeding ticket in a small county in Texas. I had a short period of time to respond with my request to take a Defensive Driving course. I was required to respond with proof of insurance, a money order, and a signed and notarized copy of the request to take Def. Driving. Because I'm deaf, I would have a difficult time getting the request notarized and getting a money order. I've never gotten a money order before (My wife and I have a checking account that we use). I didn't even know what "notarized" meant. I'd never had anything notarized before and my wife and I were not sure where that could be done. I didn't notice that my request had to be notarized until just a few days before it was due. Because this process was very unfamiliar, I needed someone to interpret to get these things done. I had to wait until my wife could take off work so that we could go to the bank to get the request notarized and at the same time, get the money order. We got both of these things accomplished on the day that the request was due and the request and money order were mailed off that day.
A few days later the entire packet was sent back to me because (1) the money order and the notarized request were dated on the same day as the due date, and (2) the insurance form had an incorrect date. I got a current up-to-date insurance form from the insurance company and was ready to mail the information back in. My wife decided to call the number on the letter that I received to make sure I could make a second request for the class.
My wife called the number and spoke to the county clerk. She asked the clerk about resending the information with the current insurance document. The clerk pointed out to her that my request was received late. My wife hadn't noticed in the return letter that this was a problem. She asked if they could reconsider this due to the fact that I'm deaf and I needed someone to interpret when we went to get the form notarized. The clerk replied that requests would not be reconsidered. My wife explained again that the delay was due to needing help to get the form notarized and for getting the money order because I needed someone to interpret for me. She said no, that the judge was very strict about not making exceptions. My wife asked if it would be possible to explain to the judge or someone else about my special circumstances and emphasized that the request was only one day late. The county clerk asked why I needed an interpreter. She asked repeatedly why I needed anyone else's help with this. My wife explained again that I am deaf and that I needed someone to help interpret to get the form notarized (where to sign, what to fill out, what information and documentation I had to show, and how much the charge would be, etc.) The county clerk's response was "Why does he need help?! He can read!" My wife asked her "how do you know he can read?" The clerk replied, "are you telling me that he can't read?" My wife said to the clerk that it didn't matter whether I could read or not, that I'm hearing-impaired and that I should have an interpreter when I'm engaged in a transaction like this. At that point, the clerk raised her voice and said "WELL, THIS IS AMERICA. HE NEEDS TO LEARN HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH BECAUSE WE SPEAK ENGLISH HERE. AND IF HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO READ, THEN HE NEEDS TO LEARN HOW!" My wife was so angry that she was barely able to speak. My wife told the county clerk that her outburst was very interesting but that the clerk didn't have a clue what she was talking about. My wife told her that she had just been making a discriminatory remark. My wife told her that she thought she was a racist and hung up.
My wife called her back about ten minutes later to ask for her direct supervisor's name and phone number. The clerk gave her the information and she apologized for what she had said in the previous phone call. My wife told her that she wanted her to understand that what she had said was wrong. My wife explained that there are laws, including the ADA, that allow for people with disabilities to have equal access to information. My wife told her that I was allowed and should have an interpreter when I'm doing a transaction like I was doing that day in the bank. Then she changed the subject back to him not being able to simply write notes and get this accomplished. She said again, "can't he read and write?" My wife told her that it wasn't that simple, and explained to her that my native language is ASL (American Sign Language) and that is not the same as English. She said that didn't make sense to her. She then said, "if he can't read, then he shouldn't have a driver's license and he shouldn't be driving around because he can't read street signs." My wife explained to her that a lot of people that don't read and don't speak English drive around just fine. My wife went on to tell her that I can read but that when I'm reading complex or technical information, it is difficult because this is not my native language and I'm entitled to have the written material interpreted if necessary. The county clerk stated again that I needed to learn how to read English. At that point, my wife realized that it was futile to try to explain anything to her. My wife simply told her that she would call back later to speak to the judge.
About an hour later, the county clerk called back and told my wife that the judge was out of the office for the rest of the day. She said that she had explained to the judge what had happened. She said that the judge had "decided to be lenient" on me and would allow me to request the class again. The clerk said that she had been "reprimanded" for the comments that she had made, but that she had "had a bad morning." My wife thanked her and ended the call.
Have a great July 4th.
Thumbs up!

Deaf Pixie said...

Keep me wonder about Disabilities more information from did not say about car insurance or can drive. I have not seen ADA or NAD or Disabities.

We should ask NAD & Canadian Disabilities to additional deaf can use their post in their US Border Security guard.

If anyone you know about find a way to contact and additional

Deaf Pixie said...

Again, I forgot so easy.. Not again! I moved to Washington State from Oregon that's how I was on medications reason and asked my my former doctor and he puzzled and stared at me.

he say I did not know deaf can drive. Later on , I learn that he asked one of my former pastor about deaf drive? That's how he asked paster for deaf. Small world we bumped each other and I say Are you lived in Edmonds? I just moved Edmonds from Oregon.

Later on, I am no longer go see that doctor. Too many discrimnations.

Paul said...

That is no excuse for what border guards did. You can file a grievance with them. They need sensitivity training.

NAD back in 1950s fought against Congress when they decided to ban deaf from driving cars! Thanks to NAD!

It is 21st century and we are ALLOWED to drive!

Where were they? Why did they think deaf can't drive? geez!

When I was in high school, I was floored when my driver education teacher admitted to my drivers education class that deaf are better driver than hearing. He said that the deaf use eyes 97% of time.

So that's something we can live with it!

Hope it does not happen again for you or anyone in particular.


Deaf Pixie said...


Wow, I am surprised how rude clerk argue with your wife. I feel bad for your wife and you go through hell!!

Paul, I never thought of that about Grievences at Security.
Good brought up topic!
Yes I have heard that DMV say to me about 97%

Frances11 said...

Hey Sorry,

Hi Deaf Pixie,
Wow! You are right. They needs to be educated about Deaf. My wife and I were very angry like MONSTER and not funny. I almost SUED them but I dropped it because They allowed me to take the defensive driving class. I contacted a state agency that forced the staff in that county to attend sensitivity.
Thumbs up!
Thanks for sharing,

GalaxyAngelz said...

Same thing happened few months ago, When I went us border in Detroit,MI and somehow the security was raised concern my driver. I was flabbergasted and turned into little upset but kept me cool off. Security officer gave me the pink slip. So I accept it and then drove around the park security building for inspection. Officer came and see me then asked me promptly nicely discuss about issued the drive license. I replied the officer "Officer was turned raised their facial expression and surprised due I'm Deaf Driver." I gestured the officer about every the details. Officer took the pink slip and ripped it out really find this ridiculously. Pretty kindly the officer was expressed gesture "apologized for this matter of security behavior and promptly you may go and have fun your vacation."
Never forget this remarkably bitsy memories.

Good see you here vlog today!
I'll look forward your vlogs often.
Take Care

Deaf Pixie said...


Could not believe and still cannot understand about the border, etc.

After I read & was flabbergasted about your situation. I think We should brought up in between Canadian and USA border and. No matter what. WE should file complain and contact the grievances. Contact (Candian Police) RMPC?

I never go the problem with cop few time. But Border I don't have a problem in the past I was border and was ahead to Vancouver B.C. and Expo'86 vacations. but wonder if we go Canadian again. I would have to print out and contact Canadian border with NAD and Canadian Disabilities Act together.

What if you cannot across USA if you are lives in USA. They wont let you to and fight with about driver license.


Wow few of deaf people have a problem with their country's stink attitude toward you and . You did right things.


Good luck with a court and you also can file complaint against police. Do you have a evidence with a communicate note? I hope you do have a evidence. Cross-finger for you to get win case. Bring a ADA and contact Police Department should training a properly. And, I do remember some blog comment about police website the cop told other state cop that he never seen deaf driver can drive. Against their believe were against idea about deaf driver should not drive.. I think it was actually from Texas. I don't remember which one blogger mentioned me over one years ago.